Hunters are the player characters in Hunt: Showdown.
Summary[ | ]
Hunters must be recruited and equipped by the player. Over time, a Hunter will gain experience and become more powerful as they gain levels. After Bloodline Rank 11, death in Hunt: Showdown is permanent, meaning that when a Hunter dies, they and their equipment are lost.
Recruitment[ | ]
New hunters can be obtained from the Recruitment tab in the main menu, located between the Events and Store tabs. Under this tab will be four Hunters with random names, appearances, and loadouts: one Tier I, two Tier II, and one Tier III. The Tier I Hunter comes with only Contraband gear and 2 or 3 Traits, but can be recruited for free as long as you have less that 20.000 Hunt Dollars. Tier II and Tier III Hunters start with 2 or 3 Traits respectively and cost Hunt Dollars. The selection can be reshuffled for free once after every match or by paying Hunt Dollars for subsequent reshuffles.
Soul Survivors[ | ]
Winning a Soul Survivor match makes the victorious Hunter available for free in the Soul Survivors subtab. Instead of randomized gear, the Hunter will have the same Traits and inventory they had at the end of the Soul Survivor match. Like items picked up during Bounty Hunt matches, all gear from a Soul Survivor will be contraband.
Legendary Hunters[ | ]
Players who own Legendary Hunters can recruit them for 100 Hunt Dollars in the Legendary Hunters subtab. A Legendary Hunter always comes with 3 random Traits which are worth at least 7 Upgrade Points and an empty inventory. Acquiring a Legendary Hunter for the first time also automatically recruits one Hunter with that skin for free. The free Legendary Hunter(s) you receive will add a temporary extra slot dedicated to themselves so long as the rest of your slots are full. This slot is removed upon the Legendary Hunter(s) or a Hunter in a normal slot dying, retiring, or being dismissed and the Legendary Hunter(s) will fill that slot instead. If you have open Hunter slots they will be added to those slots normally.
List of Names[ | ]
Forenames | |
Male | Female |
Abel | Adaira |
Abraham | Adan |
Adam | Agathe |
Adrien | Agnes |
Aesir | Alexine |
Alan | Alice |
Albert | Alison |
Albrecht | Alma |
Aldric | Amanda |
Alex | Amarante |
Alfons | Ambrosine |
Alfred | Amelia |
Alister | Amelie |
Alois | Amy |
Alrik | Angela |
Ancil | Angelina |
André | Anice |
Angus | Anna |
Annaduff | Anne |
Annar | Apolline |
Antoine | Arlene |
Archibald | Armina |
Argus | Ashley |
Atworth | Ashlyn |
August | Astrid |
Axel | Auguste |
Baldur | Barbara |
Baptiste | Beatrice |
Barclay | Bernadine |
Barnabas | Berta |
Basil | Betty |
Beauvais | Bonnie |
Benedict | Brenda |
Benedikt | Brigitte |
Bertram | Briona |
Bertrand | Britt |
Bill | Cadi |
Bjorn | Caitrin |
Blaine | Carol |
Blayze | Casey |
Boyce | Catherine |
Branigan | Cathy |
Butch | Catline |
Calvagh | Cecilia |
Carmine | Channelle |
Carolus | Chantel |
Cearnaigh | Charlise |
Charly | Charlotte |
Chris | Christine |
Christopher | Claire |
Clifford | Clara |
Clint | Clarice |
Clyde | Claudette |
Cody | Clementina |
Cole | Colina |
Conlan | Conradina |
Cooper | Constance |
Corin | Dana |
Corvin | Daniella |
Cuinn | Darchelle |
Darcy | Davinia |
David | Deana |
Davis | Debby |
Denholm | Deborah |
Deston | Denise |
Didier | Devany |
Diondre | Diane |
Donoven | Donna |
Drew | Dorothea |
Duarcan | Dorothy |
Duff | Edina |
Dugald | Edith |
Dunn | Edmunda |
Duval | Eila |
Edgar | Elcie |
Edlin | Eleanor |
Edric | Elfriede |
Edward | Elisabeth |
Eilif | Elise |
Elliot | Elizabeth |
Emil | Ellen |
Emmet | Else |
Enzo | Emily |
Eric | Emlyn |
Erich | Emma |
Erik | Ennis |
Erland | Erin |
Ernst | Erna |
Ervin | Eshne |
Evander | Estelle |
Ewan | Esther |
Eyvind | Evalina |
Fabrice | Evanna |
Fabroni | Eveleen |
Ferdinand | Eveline |
Fergal | Fia |
Ferrand | Fianait |
Finley | Fiona |
Flyn | Florence |
Foley | Francine |
Francis | Freya |
Franco | Frieda |
Francois | Gabriela |
Frank | Gail |
Frans | Gavinia |
Franz | Gemma |
Friedrich | Gertrud |
Fritz | Gilbertine |
Gaetan | Gina |
Garth | Glynna |
Garvin | Grace |
Gary | Griswalde |
Gauthier | Gudrun |
Gavin | Gustava |
Gawen | Hannah |
Georg | Harriet |
George | Hartlyn |
Gerald | Hedwig |
Gerome | Helena |
Gillean | Helene |
Gladwyn | Helga |
Godfrey | Henni |
Gofraidh | Hertha |
Gottfried | Hildtrud |
Graham | Hillary |
Grant | Hubertina |
Gregor | Ingrid |
Gustav | Iris |
Guy | Irmgard |
Gyles | Isobel |
Hadrian | Isolde |
Hallbjorn | Ivie |
Hank | Iwona |
Hans | Jane |
Hansel | Janet |
Harford | Jaqueline |
Harry | Jean |
Hartley | Jeanne |
Heinrich | Jeannie |
Heinz | Jen |
Helmer | Jenessa |
Henning | Jessica |
Henrik | Jill |
Henry | Johanna |
Herbert | Joseline |
Hjalmar | Josephine |
Horace | Josey |
Horst | Kaethe |
Hugh | Kaitlinn |
Hunfried | Kara |
Ingelbert | Karin |
Jack | Kassidi |
Jacky | Kate |
James | Katharina |
Jaques | Kathleen |
Jason | Kathy |
Jens | Katrine |
Jesse | Kayleigh |
Jim | Keeva |
Joe | Kiana |
Johann | Kimberly |
John | Kirsten |
Josef | Klara |
Joseph | Kristina |
Jovan | Kysa |
Jules | Laura |
Kaiden | Lena |
Kalen | Lieselotte |
Karl | Lilly |
Keagan | Linda |
Keely | Lindsay |
Kelion | Lindsey |
Ken | Lisa |
Kenneth | Liv |
Kevin | Loralee |
Kevis | Lorna |
Kinnon | Louise |
Kirk | Loulou |
Kit | Lucille |
Klaus | Luise |
Klemens | Lydia |
Konner | Lylia |
Kristian | Lynn |
Kurt | Mabbina |
Lafayette | Madeleine |
Lamont | Madeline |
Lars | Maggy |
Laurence | Maja |
Leary | Malin |
Leidolf | Mallory |
Leif | Margaret |
Leonard | Maria |
Leroy | Marie |
Leverett | Marineth |
Lorne | Marlena |
Lucas | Marquisha |
Ludwig | Marsha |
Luke | Martha |
Maddix | Mary |
Magnus | Matilda |
Marcel | Maude |
Marquis | Megan |
Maurice | Mia |
Max | Mikaela |
Maxwell | Minna |
Meinrad | Missy |
Miles | Monique |
Mitch | Nadine |
Montaigu | Nancy |
Munroe | Natalie |
Murdoch | Nessa |
Nally | Nina |
Neal | Nisse |
Nelse | Noirin |
Nigel | Norah |
Nils | Odeline |
Oakden | Olga |
Oberon | Olivia |
Olaf | Pamela |
Oscar | Patricia |
Oskar | Paula |
Oswin | Pauline |
Otto | Peggy |
Pascal | Priscilla |
Paul | Rachel |
Pearce | Ragnara |
Petter | Robena |
Pherson | Rosa |
Philippe | Rose |
Pierre | Ruth |
Quaid | Samantha |
Quentin | Shannon |
Quin | Sharon |
Rafael | Shawna |
Ragnar | Sheena |
Ramsay | Sigrid |
Reinhart | Silana |
Remi | Solaine |
Richard | Solange |
Rikard | Stacy |
Robert | Stephanie |
Roderick | Sue |
Rolf | Susan |
Romain | Susanna |
Ronnie | Tabita |
Ross | Taina |
Royd | Tanya |
Rudolf | Tara |
Rupert | Terese |
Rutger | Teresia |
Sebastien | Thora |
Seth | Tina |
Shayne | Tira |
Shey | Tracy |
Siegfried | Ula |
Sigurd | Ulrika |
Simson | Ursula |
Sinclaire | Valerie |
Spencer | Vanessa |
Stanley | Victoria |
Stefan | Victorina |
Steven | Virginia |
Stevyn | Viveca |
Stoddard | Wallis |
Sven | Wilhelmine |
Tavis | Yvonna |
Terry | Zaira |
Thiery | Zoé |
Tiarchnach | |
Timothy | |
Toissint | |
Tor | |
Torborg | |
Torrans | |
Tremain | |
Tristian | |
Tyrel | |
Valdemar | |
Vallois | |
Verddun | |
Victor | |
Wallace | |
Walter | |
Waylin | |
Welburn | |
Wilbert | |
Wildon | |
Wilfred | |
Wilhelm | |
William | |
Wilmarr | |
Wolfrick | |
Woody | |
Worden |
Surnames |
Addison |
Ahnung |
Anderson |
Antonsen |
Arfsten |
Arrowsmith |
Ashbury |
Auclair |
Auguste |
Axelsson |
Baker |
Ballard |
Barnet |
Bates |
Beckett |
Beegan |
Bentsen |
Berger |
Bickford |
Bier |
Billeaud |
Bingham |
Black |
Blackwell |
Blanc |
Blankenship |
Bohlander |
Bohm |
Bonneville |
Boucher |
Boulanger |
Bourg |
Bousfield |
Bowes |
Brahm |
Branden |
Bransfield |
Bray |
Brogren |
Brown |
Brunner |
Brynes |
Bunzler |
Busch |
Cain |
Caldwell |
Callahan |
Callinan |
Campion |
Canavan |
Cannon |
Casbon |
Cavendish |
Challant |
Channing |
Charpentier |
Chevalier |
Clark |
Clingan |
Cochrane |
Coleridge |
Collins |
Comte |
Cooper |
Corbin |
Cossham |
Coupland |
Cox |
Crafford |
Crowley |
Cullum |
Cummings |
Cunningham |
Curl |
Dahlstein |
Davis |
Demain |
Denton |
Dimont |
Doherty |
Donlon |
Dorsey |
Duffy |
Dufke |
Duggan |
Dumont |
Dunnett |
Duquette |
Durand |
Eaton |
Edberg |
Edwards |
Eggert |
Elm |
Engel |
Erikson |
Erland |
Ertl |
Eskelson |
Ettingen |
Everett |
Fabron |
Falke |
Fitzgerald |
Flanagan |
Flinders |
Flitz |
Fogarty |
Fontaine |
Fournier |
Frawley |
Fry |
Fuchs |
Gabrielsen |
Galloway |
Gard |
Gerber |
Gilroy |
Glendening |
Gosselin |
Gould |
Graves |
Green |
Greenshields |
Griesen |
Grillot |
Gruber |
Grundstrom |
Guevin |
Gunnarson |
Gustavson |
Hackley |
Haggerty |
Haldorson |
Hall |
Hammerberg |
Hammond |
Hanning |
Hansson |
Hare |
Harris |
Hartmann |
Heglund |
Henriksen |
Hering |
Hewitt |
Higgins |
Hillard |
Hinman |
Hobbs |
Hobhouse |
Holloway |
Holz |
Homburger |
Homerson |
Hooper |
Howard |
Illingworth |
Imlach |
Ingebretsen |
Ivory |
Jacquet |
Jeans |
Jenkins |
Jennings |
Johansson |
Johnson |
Jones |
Jubert |
Justice |
Kalbach |
Kangler |
Kappenberg |
Kesserly |
Klinge |
Knarz |
Knight |
Knightley |
Knoblauch |
Koehler |
Kohlstamm |
Krause |
Kremer |
Kronfeld |
Kvalheim |
Lamoreux |
Landsverk |
Laroque |
Lawson |
Leclair |
Leclere |
Legrand |
Leighton |
Lenz |
Levron |
Lindberg |
Lindsay |
Litherland |
Lockheart |
Lowman |
Lyell |
MacDonald |
Maier |
Maisonet |
Mallock |
Malmgren |
Manon |
Marchand |
Matisse |
McAden |
McAleese |
McCarthy |
McColgan |
McCoy |
McDiarmid |
McEvoy |
McFarlan |
McGinnes |
McIntosh |
McKenrick |
McKenzie |
McKown |
McMahill |
McMillan |
McNicol |
McQuary |
McWhirter |
Middleton |
Miller |
Moad |
Mogensen |
Moncreaux |
Monroe |
Montandon |
Moorehouse |
Moreau |
Morel |
Morin |
Morissey |
Morrison |
Mueller |
Mulcahey |
Munier |
Nachtigall |
Nauheim |
Nordahl |
Norris |
Northam |
Norton |
O'Connor |
O'Dea |
O'Donaghue |
O'Donnell |
O'Driscoll |
O'Dwyer |
O'Farrell |
O'Halloran |
O'Malone |
O'Neill |
Oldfield |
Oliver |
Osterling |
Ostrom |
Parnell |
Pelletier |
Pettersson |
Pfeiffer |
Phillips |
Pichlmayer |
Pickersgill |
Pierrepont |
Pitt |
Poisson |
Pomfret |
Porter |
Preston |
Price |
Provan |
Rasmussen |
Rathbone |
Rayburn |
Raymond |
Reed |
Reid |
Richardson |
Richelieu |
Rivera |
Robichaux |
Rodin |
Rotherham |
Rous |
Rousseau |
Rowland |
Salton |
Salverson |
Salway |
Santiago |
Sawyer |
Schilling |
Schmidt |
Schur |
Schwarz |
Scollard |
Serres |
Shank |
Shoemaker |
Shuttleworth |
Signac |
Sjogren |
Smith |
Soren |
St.Germain |
Staunton |
Steiner |
Stenquist |
Stephenson |
Steuart |
Storch |
Sullivan |
Svensson |
Swahn |
Tailor |
Tanner |
Telfer |
Thompson |
Thorne |
Thornhill |
Tobin |
Tolbert |
Torborg |
Trigg |
Usher |
Vang |
Vial |
Virque |
Vogel |
Wagner |
Walker |
Wallbraun |
Waterside |
Watson |
Weatherington |
Weir |
Wells |
Wheeler |
Whitby |
White |
Whitelaw |
Whitmore |
Whittum |
Wieser |
Wigren |
Wikstrom |
Willis |
Wilson |
Wolf |
Wolff |
Wooten |
Wright |
Wunderlich |
Wurzel |
Wyatt |
Wynne |
Young |
Ziebart |
Title | ||
Male | Female | General |
Baron | Baroness | Babyface |
Captain | Comtesse | BangBang |
Comte | Countess | de |
Dr. | Dame | du |
Duc | Dr. | Fearless |
Earl | Duchesse | Headshot |
Graf | Graefin | of |
Lord | Lady | Shorty |
Marshall | Miss | Stinky |
Mr. | Mrs. | von |
Ranger | Wimpy | |
Sheriff | Wino | |
Sir | zu |
Gaining Experience (XP)[ | ]
Hunters gain XP by receiving certain Accolades, killing enemies, and finding XP Envelopes in Bounty Hunt or Soul Survivor. A Hunter's max level is 50, and each level grants one Upgrade Point that can be used to unlock Traits or restore lost Health Chunks for that Hunter between matches. After a Hunter reaches level 50, the full sum of all subsequent experience that they earn is applied directly to your Bloodline.
Bloodline XP is otherwise gated behind certain Hunter levels. Reaching those levels with a Hunter awards your Bloodline with 250-1.000 XP, with the payout increasing at higher levels (see table below for exact values by level). When your Hunter dies, half of the mission experience for that match is awarded to your Bloodline. Any Weapon, Tool, or Consumable XP, which is tracked live during the match, remains unchanged regardless of whether your Hunter lives or dies.
Level | Experience Required | Total Experience | Bonus Bloodline Experience |
1 | 0 | 0 | |
2 | 100 | 100 | |
3 | 100 | 200 | |
4 | 200 | 400 | 250 |
5 | 200 | 600 | |
6 | 200 | 800 | |
7 | 200 | 1000 | |
8 | 300 | 1300 | |
9 | 300 | 1600 | 250 |
10 | 300 | 1900 | |
11 | 300 | 2200 | |
12 | 300 | 2500 | |
13 | 300 | 2800 | 250 |
14 | 300 | 3100 | |
15 | 300 | 3400 | |
16 | 300 | 3700 | |
17 | 300 | 4000 | |
18 | 300 | 4300 | |
19 | 400 | 4700 | 500 |
20 | 400 | 5100 | |
21 | 400 | 5500 | |
22 | 400 | 5900 | |
23 | 400 | 6300 | |
24 | 400 | 6700 | |
25 | 400 | 7100 | |
26 | 500 | 7600 | 500 |
27 | 500 | 8100 | |
28 | 500 | 8600 | |
29 | 500 | 9100 | |
30 | 500 | 9600 | |
31 | 500 | 10100 | |
32 | 500 | 10600 | |
33 | 500 | 11100 | |
34 | 500 | 11600 | 500 |
35 | 500 | 12100 | |
36 | 600 | 12700 | |
37 | 600 | 13300 | |
38 | 600 | 13900 | |
39 | 600 | 14500 | |
40 | 600 | 15100 | |
41 | 600 | 15700 | |
42 | 600 | 16300 | 750 |
43 | 600 | 16900 | |
44 | 600 | 17500 | |
45 | 600 | 18100 | |
46 | 600 | 18700 | |
47 | 600 | 19300 | |
48 | 600 | 19900 | |
49 | 600 | 20500 | |
50 | 600 | 21100 | 1000 |
Bounty Hunt | |
Item | XP Gained |
Clue Pickup | 200 XP |
Lair Discovered | 100 XP |
Boss Kill | 400 XP |
Solo Boss Kill | 400 XP |
Boss Banish | 350 XP |
Bounty Extract | 400-700 XP |
Partner Extract | x2 Bounty Extract |
Underdog Bonus | 500-2000 XP per Bounty |
Clean Sweep | 100 XP |
Extraction Time | 4 XP per Minute left |
Creatures | |
Leech | 10 XP |
Grunt | 20 XP |
Hellhound | 40 XP |
Waterdevil | 20 XP |
Hive | 60 XP |
Immolator | 60 XP |
Armoured | 60 XP |
Meathead | 300 XP |
Revive Partner | 100 XP |
Kill Teammate | -500 XP |
Quick Play | |
Rift Pickup | 100 XP |
Wellspring Activation | 100 XP |
Energy Absorbed | 1-400 XP |
Final Survivor Bonus | 4x Energy Absorbed |