Bounty Hunt[ | ]
Every Hunter can use Dark Sight, a power which pierces the veil between worlds and allows them to see echoes of other worlds in our own. Dark Sight is a Hunter's primary tool for looking for Clues. When using Dark Sight, you will be able to see a blue, hazy mist that indicates the location of a Clue. The larger the cloud of mist, the closer you are to the Clue. When you come within range of a Clue, the mist becomes brighter and emits an eerie sound. Dark Sight can also be used to track Hunters carrying a Bounty Token. These Hunters are marked by supernatural Bounty Lightning strikes which give away their rough position.
Once the bounty is picked up the owners have Dark Sight Boost which allows them to see enemy Hunters in the surrounding.
Dark Sight can also be used to check if other Hunters are within close vicinity while fighting the boss since it will make the boss icon flash white or red. White means there are no enemy Hunters within approximately 50 meters of the boss lair, red means there are enemy Hunters in this vicinity. If the boss was killed and not banished, you can also see that by the lack of whispers when you close in on the lair.
Soul Survivor[ | ]
In Soul Survivor the Dark Sight is used to locate Rifts and the Wellspring Carrier.
Dark Sight Boost[ | ]
Dark Sight Boost has two different usages in Hunt:
Bounty Hunt[ | ]
In Bounty Hunt the Dark Sight Boost shows approximate location of enemy Hunters in a radius of 150 meters even if they are behind a wall or other objects as long as the Bounty Carriers have time left to use it. The players get highlighted in a bright orange.
Bounty Carriers have 5 seconds of Dark Sight Boost that can be replenished by 1 second by investigating a not closed Clue (from different boss) of looting dead enemy Hunters. This can be changed when playing Solo with Trait Magpie (Dark Sight capacity: 5 seconds -> 10 seconds, 1 second -> 2 seconds replenishment).
Soul Survivor[ | ]
In Soul Survivor the Dark Sight Boost highlight the Wellspring carrier. The closer you are to him the less it jumps around.
Dark Sight Instinct [ | ]
Additionally, Bounty Carriers can see if an enemy Hunter is within 75 meters even without Dark Sight Boost as the edges of your vision will glow. Unlike Dark Sight Boost, Dark Sight Instinct shows only presence of the enemy Hunters and not their location.